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Exceptional Pancreatitis Care Providers

Exceptional Care Award

During our 2020 Moments of Hope party, we asked patients to submit the names of care providers that gave them a Moment of Hope during their disease journey. Pancreatitis is a commonly misunderstood disease, even in the medical community. New science has revealed that chronic pancreatitis is not caused by alcoholism, but rather a combination of environmental and genetic factors— yet the stigma still persists. The lack of understanding of the disease often hinders pancreatitis patients from receiving the best care.

With this in mind, we wanted to give pancreatitis patients an opportunity to share the names of exceptional care providers. These are providers who treated them with compassion, empathy, and understanding. Many of these care providers are pancreatitis experts who have a deep, keen understanding of the disease and thus are able to provide outstanding care. Some of these care providers are professionals who went above and beyond to make patients feel heard and understood.