We bring payers, patients, researchers, doctors, and biotech companies together with impact investors to cure pancreatitis and other diseases. With a clear goal of measurably improving specific patient outcomes in 10 years, Mission: Cure uses innovative and cost-effective methods to develop new therapies and bring them to patients.

Elevate patient voice and patient-centered priorities to bridge and advocate for scientific and clinical research

Patients have a unique perspective that should drive and inform research, cure therapies, and care delivery. We bring together patients and providers to develop and apply new knowledge and evidence-based practices for the benefit of every life touched by rare chronic diseases, such as pancreatitis.

Lead, organize, and collaborate with stakeholders to improve patient outcomes

With a laser focus on measurable outcomes and patient priorities, we coordinate efforts of multiple stakeholders from disparate parts of the system to commit to shared goals and a defined time frame to improve patient outcomes.

Incentivize Patient Outcomes using innovative funding models

Linking payment to patient outcomes such as hospitalizations, longevity and pain encourages activities that make a real difference for people suffering from the disease and increases efficiency of healthcare systems. We are developing and testing innovative funding models to incentivize patient outcomes in developing cure and care pathways.



will be able to prevent or treat their disease so they are no longer in pain and live longer, healthier, more productive lives.

Impact Investors

will have helped cure a disease and potentially have received a financial return.

Scientists and Clinicians

will have sufficient funding and support to pursue and succeed in their efforts to help patients and cure disease.

Healthcare and Other Payers

will be able to invest in new treatments that reduce their long‐term costs, while demonstrating their commitment to their clients’ wellbeing, by contributing to patient outcome payments.

Venture Philanthropists

will engage in what amounts to risk‐free outcome‐based philanthropy: they will not pay unless the efforts they support have delivered the results they hoped for.